A nascar.com oldalon lehet szavazni az All Star race futam leendő résztvevőire! Arra szeretnék mindenkit bíztatni, hogy szavazzon és szavazatával Juan Pablo Montoyát támogassa, hogy ott lehessen a futamon!!!! :)
In the official page of NASCAR (nascar.com) every fan can vote for the All Star Race members! I would like to ask every fan to vote for Juan Pablo Montoya! :)))) He needs our votes and support him to be there!!! :))
Az utóbbi időben volt némi szabadidőm, és megcsináltam a galériában az elmaradásokat, így most már a 2012-es szezon teljesen elérhető, illetve a 2013-as év eddigi történései is mind megtalálhatók képek formájában az oldalon! :) Nézegessétek bátran és ne felejtsetek el csatlakozni a facebook oldalhoz is, ahol még naprakészebb információkat kaphattok! :)
In the last few days I had more time, so I uploaded the pics into the gallery! :) You reach the 2012 NASCAR season's all races and all events, and of course the events and races in the 2013 NASCAR album. :)
Don't forget to join our facebook page, where you can get more brand new informations! :)
Montoya a 30. helyen fejezte be a futamot, az összetettben pedig hátracsúszott a 23.-ról a 26.helyre. Juan Pablo finished the race in the 30th place and he stands in the 26th place.
Hoztam a 24 órás verseny spotter guide-ját, vagyis ebből megtudhatjátok hány autó versenyzett, ki volt a tulajdonos valamint azt is megtalálhatjátok kik a csapat tagja! :) Természetesen a legfontosabb a #01 autó, Juan Pabloval! ;)
I bring you a spotter guide, which help you to know the cars, the owners and who are the team members. Of course the most important car is: #01 with Juan Pablo! :)
It's a love story for Juan Pablo Montoya and his paint scheme for the Kansas NASCAR race weekend.
Montoya will have music superstar Taylor Swift on the hood of his No. 42 Chevrolet this weekend as part of a cross-promotional effort between sponsor Target and the deluxe version of Swift's album, Red (which will be available exclusively at Target stores the day after the race).
Though it's a bit hard to imagine Montoya jamming to "Teardrops On My Guitar" or even "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," the driver praised the design as "fun and different" in a statement.
"It'll definitely draw some attention out on the race track," he said.
Some of Swift's songs might already apply to Montoya. For example: The Daytona jet dryer driver probably thinks of Montoya when he hears Swift sing, "Why you gotta be so mean?" (Well, either that or "Keep your eyes open.")
Montoya needs to be very careful, though. If he and the car have a bad breakup, Swift might write a song about it.