[JPM] Juan Pablo Montoya's Fan Site - the ONLY ONE! ||the BEST driver EVER!!!!



JPM Quotes


"I just do it. I don't talk about it!"

"It's great that people
are paying attention,
but the only way you succeed at something,
you don't do it for
someone else.


/Juan Pablo Montoya/ 




 Next race


Atlanta Motor Speedway

Szeptember 1. / Sept. 1
07:30 PM ET


Richmond International


Szeptember 7. / Sept. 7
07:30 PM ET


Chicagoland Speedway

Szeptember 15. / Sept 15
02:00 PM ET


New Hampshire Motor 


Szeptember 22. / Sept 22
02:00 PM ET


Dover International 


Szeptember 29. / Sept 29
02:00 PM ET





Sprint Cup

1. Jimmie Johnson 821 pts
2. Clint Bowyer 803 pts
3. Carl Edwards 768 
4. Kevin Harvick 760 pts
5. Kyle Busch 739 pts
6. Matt Kenseth 736 pts
7. Dale Earnhardt Jr 714 pts
8. Kasey Kahne 701 pts
9. Greg Biffle 698 pts
10. Joey Logano 685 pts
11. Brad Keselowski 681 pts
12. Kurt Busch 679 pts


21. Juan Montoya 590pts




My Sisters




My Affis






Elfelejtettem a jelszt

Dale Earnhardt Jr. s a 20 legstabilabb rajongi bzissal rendelkez versenyz

Dale Earnhardt Jr. and the 20 Drivers with the Most Passionate Fan Bases


Sziasztok! Hi Fans!


12. Juan Pablo Montoya

Talltam egy sszelltst a legstabilabb rajongi bzissal rendelkez piltkbl, s a 12. JPM.

Juan Pablo twitterjt 227.197-en kvetik, mg mondjuk a tavalyi bajnok Jimmie Johnsont csak 11.510-en, Jeff Gordont pedig 40.252-en.


12th Juan Pablo Montoya

Here's all the evidence you really need to prove that Juan Pablo Montoya has a massive fanbase: His Twitter account has 277,197 followers—no doubt supported from his fame as a former Formula 1 star.

In comparison, Jimmie Johnson has 11,510 followers, while Jeff Gordon has 40,252 followers.

(source:Bleacher Report)


2011.03.10. 17:52, Szikrus

Notebook: Montoya has a nose for the top five

Montoya won't let changes deter him again; Keselowski upset with ESPN

LAS VEGAS -- Juan Montoya believes the switch from a rear wing to a spoiler after five races last year adversely affected his performance.

Montoya and the No. 42 Earnhardt Ganassi Racing crew wanted to make sure NASCAR's change to a new nose this season wouldn't have the same effect.

Kobalt Tools 400


Pos. Driver Make
1. Carl Edwards Ford
2. Tony Stewart Chevrolet
3. Juan Montoya Chevrolet
4. Marcos Ambrose Ford
5. Ryan Newman Chevrolet

So far, it hasn't. Montoya was a strong third in Sunday's race and gained five positions to fourth in the Cup standings.

"When we can get the car working, it works really good," Montoya said. "I think last year, when they went from the wing to the spoiler, I think it really affected me, and we really struggled.

"We did a lot of work over the winter with the new nose to make sure that didn't happen, and I don't know- -- here we are. It's good."

Press Pass: Juan Montoya

Dudley Do-Right?

It's not every driver who gets his likeness turned into a cartoon character, but that's what happened to Clint Bowyer when Totino's incorporated its packaging as an integral part of a video game.

Fans can visit the website racefans.Daytona500.com to learn how to play the game, using their Totino's pizza box as the steering wheel.

"It was a great idea for Totino's to gives fans a game to have fun and race a little bit using a pizza box," Bowyer said. "I thought it was pretty cool. I'm looking forward to hearing what the fans think about it. I'm very fortunate to have sponsors that want to interact and build things around this program."

Bowyer also had a succinct reaction to his cartoon likeness, which looks like a cross between the driver of the No. 33 Chevrolet and Dudley Do-Right.

"I thought it was funny," Bowyer said.

Feeling snubbed

Brad Keselowski took exception to not being interviewed by ESPN following his third-place finish in the Nationwide Series race.

Keselowski was leading when a flat tire sent his car into the wall, and Mark Martin slid past him to win Saturday's race. The defending Nationwide champion complained on Twitter that he was ignored by ESPN, and that the network focused on Danica Patrick's fourth-place finish.

"I said what I meant and I meant what I said," Keselowski said before Sunday's race. "They just chose to focus on only a few storylines during the race, and when I got out of the car, it was clear I wasn't one of those storylines. They said they tried to find me, but I was hiding in plain sight. Nobody ever showed up to talk to me."

Keselowski finished 26th Sunday in the Sprint Cup race, but his day began with a celebration of his Nationwide title.

Dodge presented Keselowski with a custom 2011 Challenger that it dubbed "The Biggest Trophy In NASCAR -- Imported From Detroit." The high-performance street vehicle featured custom wheels and paint, and is part of the BKR (Brad Keselowski Racing) Commemorative Edition.

"This thing is awesome," Keselowski said. "I can't wait to drive it, but I have no idea how I'm getting it home. They told me not to worry about it, so I'll just wait and see if it shows up."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



2011.03.07. 19:01, Szikrus

Las Vegas: Kpek s eredmny

Las Vegas: Pics and result

Sziasztok! Hi Fans!

Montoya a 23. helyrl rajtolt s a 3. helyen rt clba! Ezzel feljtt a 4. helyre sszetettben, 5 pont a lemaradsa mindsszesen! Fantasztikus volt ez a futam!

Hoztam pr videt/ I bring some videos:

Montoya nyilatkozata a futam eltt:


Montoya nyilatkozata a megszerzett 3. helyrl:


Vgeredmny / Results:



2011.03.07. 18:24, Szikrus

Szavazzatok Montoyra!!!!!!!!!!

Vote for Montoya!!!!

Szavazzatok Montoyra!


Ezen az oldalon szavazhattok Montoyra:www.wheatiesfuelmostpopulardriver.com

Egy nap csak egyszer lehet szavazni, egszen november 20.-ig. Aki minden nap szavaz, sorsolson vesz rszt s a decemberi NASCAR® NMPA Myers Brothers Luncheon-on rszt vehet!




Start Voting Montoya, McMurray for Wheaties Most Popular Driver

February 24, 2011

Start Voting Montoya, McMurray for Wheaties Most  Popular
Driver Voting for the 2011 NASCAR® Sprint Cup Wheaties most-popular driver has now started. Fans can visit www.wheatiesfuelmostpopulardriver.com once a-day to vote for Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates drivers Juan Pablo Montoya and Jamie McMurray until 11:59 PM CT Sept. 10 following the race at Richmond International Raceway.  At that point, the 10 drivers with the most votes will be announced as finalists, and the vote count will reset to zero.  Fans will then have 10 race weeks to cast their vote once a day to determine the 2011 NASCAR® Wheaties FUEL Most Popular Driver from the final field of 10 drivers.  Voting will conclude November 20 at 11:59 PM CT. The winner will be announced at the NASCAR® NMPA Myers Brothers Luncheon in December.

2011.03.07. 18:22, Szikrus


Juan Pablo Montoya will be signing autographs at the Deer Springs Town Center Target store today starting at 4:30 p.m. The first 200 people in-line are guaranteed to receive an autograph from the Target driver. Members of the No. 42 pit crew will also be on-hand to provide demonstrations. The store is located at 7090 N 5th Street, North Las Vegas, NV 89084, and can be reached at 702-216-4501.
2011.03.05. 20:17, Szikrus


Youtube video

Sziasztok! Hi Fans!

Hoztam egy videt amit Montoya is belinkelt a twitterre!

I bring a video which linked by Montoya!



2011.03.04. 22:00, Szikrus

Montoya nyilatkozott a Las Vegas Motor Speedway-en

Montoya Talks with Media at Las Vegas Motor Speedway

Montoya Talks with Media at Las Vegas Motor Speedway
March 4, 2011 


Montoya Talks with Media at Las Vegas Motor  Speedway

JUAN PABLO MONTOYA, NO. 42 CLOROX CHEVROLET, met with members of the media at Las Vegas Motor Speedway and discussed his season to-date, racing at Las Vegas and other topics.  Full transcript:

HOW DO YOU SEE THIS WEEKEND AT LAS VEGAS UNFOLDING? “It should be a good weekend. I am pretty excited to get on to a mile-and-a-half with the new nose. The cars should work a little bit different. It should be interesting. I haven’t been on a mile-and-a-half since Homestead, no testing or anything, so that is going to be quite exciting again. We’ll see what happens. We had a really good Daytona. Last week was kind of horrible for us, but we still scored good points and brought the car to the end. Our goal this year is to make sure we finish every race. I think with the points system, you have to make sure you finish.”

TODAY WE HEARD THAT JIMMY VASSER HAD A NICKNAME FOR JIMMIE JOHNSON, YOU WERE HIS TEAMMATE, DID HE HAVE ONE FOR YOU? “I don’t know. Ask him. I have no idea. (LAUGHS) I really don’t know, he probably did, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

WHAT MOVIE DID YOU GO SEE THE OTHER NIGHT? “I watched [I am] Number Four. That was really cool. It was a good movie. Haven’t been to the movies in awhile so that was pretty cool.”

HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO GET ADJUSTED TO MARTINSVILLE AND WHAT IS IT LIKE? “It doesn’t take you. It is go, brake, turn, go, brake, turn. (SMILES) Is that a good description. To tell you the truth, the first couple of times you go there, it is hard because it is a lot slower than anything you’ve done and because you are going so slow and it is so flat, the car the slides around. It is more like a road course. It is in between a road course and an oval. For me personally, it is not that hard. Just have to make sure the car rolls through the center and put the power down. That is all that matters.”

HOW IMPORTANT IS THE RACE AT THIS TRACK AFTER THE FIRST TWO RACES AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR PROGRAM IS RIGHT NOW? “For us we decided to go a different way last week on the setup and everything on the car. It really bit us. I told Chip (Ganassi car owner) look at the bright side, we weren’t involved in the wreck, otherwise we would have probably been in the middle of that wreck. That is the bright side of it. The bad side of it is that we ran horrible and that is normally a good track for us so in a way we wasted some points there. Here we are going to run very similar to what we ran last year and we think it should be pretty good based on the numbers and everything. We are pretty confident the car should work good with the new nose. So, pretty excited.”

(source: EGRFS)


2011.03.04. 21:57, Szikrus

Vlassz dalt Montoynak

Help Montoya Choose a Song

Segts Montoynak dalt vlasztani Bristolra!

Help Montoya Choose a Song for Driver Introductions
at Bristol

Az Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates versenyzje, Juan Pablo Montoya a rajongk segtsgt kri abban, hogy segtsenek neki dalt vlasztani a versenyzk bemutatshoz Bristolban. A Jeff Byrd 500 futamot mrcius 20.n rendezik meg a Bristol Motor Speedwayen.
Mrcius 7.n htfn kivlasztjk a top 3 dalt, amelyekre aztn szavazni lehet majd egszen mrcius 10-ig!

Tovbbi rszletekrt kattintsatok ide:




Help Montoya Choose a Song for Driver Introductions at Bristol

February 28, 2011 

Help Montoya Choose a Song for Driver Introductions  at Bristol

Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates driver Juan Pablo Montoya wants fans to help choose the song he will use for driver introductions prior to the start of the Jeff Byrd 500 presented by Food City at Bristol Motor Speedway on March 20. A discussion board has been created on the EGR Facebook page, where fans are encouraged to post their song suggestions all week long. At the conclusion of this weekend’s Kobalt Tools 400 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, all suggestions will be tallied to determine the top-three songs. On Monday March 7, the top-three song suggestions will be announced and fans will be able to vote for their favorite until 5:00 p.m. ET on March 10.


2011.02.28. 23:45, Szikrus

Talltam egy j interjt Montoyval

I found an interview with JPM

Sziasztok! Hi Fans!

Talltam egy interjt Montoyval, mg a Media Day-en kszlt Daytonban!

I found an interview with Juan Pablo! He spoke with Doug Rice. It was made at Daytona in the Media Day.


2011.02.27. 15:03, Szikrus

Phoenix eredmnyek s kpek

Lineup and picstures: News about Phoenix

Sziasztok! Hi Fans!

Montoya a 22. helyrl vghat neki a futamnak! McMurray a 8.helyrl indul majd. Remlem hogy j versenyt fognak futni. Mg 9 ra van a rajtig!!!! :)


Hoztam a rszletes rajtsorrendet // I bring the lineup:

 (from NASCAR.com)


Hoztam a kpeket is // I bring the pics:



2011.02.27. 12:36, Szikrus
Vote for JPM

Szavazzatok Juan Pablora, hogy megnyerje a Legnpszerbb Versenyz djt!

Naponta egyszer szavazhattok!

Vote for JPM to win the Most Popular Driver Award!

Every day one vote!












The Dark of the Moon



No 42 car



Induls: 2009-01-10



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