[JPM] Juan Pablo Montoya's Fan Site - the ONLY ONE! ||the BEST driver EVER!!!!



JPM Quotes


"I just do it. I don't talk about it!"

"It's great that people
are paying attention,
but the only way you succeed at something,
you don't do it for
someone else.


/Juan Pablo Montoya/ 




 Next race


Atlanta Motor Speedway

Szeptember 1. / Sept. 1
07:30 PM ET


Richmond International


Szeptember 7. / Sept. 7
07:30 PM ET


Chicagoland Speedway

Szeptember 15. / Sept 15
02:00 PM ET


New Hampshire Motor 


Szeptember 22. / Sept 22
02:00 PM ET


Dover International 


Szeptember 29. / Sept 29
02:00 PM ET





Sprint Cup

1. Jimmie Johnson 821 pts
2. Clint Bowyer 803 pts
3. Carl Edwards 768 
4. Kevin Harvick 760 pts
5. Kyle Busch 739 pts
6. Matt Kenseth 736 pts
7. Dale Earnhardt Jr 714 pts
8. Kasey Kahne 701 pts
9. Greg Biffle 698 pts
10. Joey Logano 685 pts
11. Brad Keselowski 681 pts
12. Kurt Busch 679 pts


21. Juan Montoya 590pts




My Sisters




My Affis






Elfelejtettem a jelszt

j cikk a NASCAR honlapjn

New article in NASCAR homepage


Talltam egy cikket Montoyval a NASCAR hivatalos honlapjn! Fordts hamarosan!


Hi Fans!

I found a new article in NASCAR homepage!


Better communication, luck keys for Montoya

With attention off them for now, driver and crew chief ready to make own path

For the first time since he's been driving for car owner Chip Ganassi in the Sprint Cup Series, all eyes are not on Juan Montoya.

As Montoya prepares to enter the 2011 season, teammate Jamie McMurray is drawing more attention as the defending Daytona 500 champion. For once and at least for a little while, the flamboyant, outspoken Montoya is more or less taking a back seat.

He said he's fine with that and focused on what he needs to do to make a return visit to the Chase. Montoya was in the Chase in 2009, when he finished eighth in the final points standings.

Last year, a blown engine in the second race of the year at Auto Club Speedway in California and a wreck caused by teammate McMurray a week later in Las Vegas pretty much ruined Montoya's season almost before it got in second gear. He was 26th in points after Vegas and never climbed higher than 16th.

"There were so many wrecks and stuff that happened outside of our control," Montoya said. "The hole became so big it was nearly impossible to get out of."

But if you delve closer into the numbers, it appears the driver of the No. 42 Chevrolet for Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates is poised for a huge rebound this year.

In five of the first eight races last season, Montoya encountered problem after problem while finishing 26th or worse, including four times when he placed 34th or worse. He never fully recovered, although a later victory on the road course at Watkins Glen led to a string of five consecutive top-10 finishes that showed a flash of his team's possible true potential.

Even though Montoya eventually had to settle for 17th in the final standings, he was the only non-Chase driver who routinely showed up in the top 10 of the most telling Cup season statistics: sixth in percentage of fastest laps run; sixth in number of laps run in the top 15; seventh in number of quality passes; seventh-fastest on restarts; eighth amongst mile leaders; eighth in average running position; 10th in total laps led. In average running position, he placed one spot ahead of title contender Denny Hamlin and four other Chasers -- hinting at his strong chances of a huge turnaround in 2011.

"I think the ingredients are here," said Felix Sabates, the minority partner in the Earnhardt Ganassi Racing operation. "Everything already has been put together. Now we just need a little better luck."

Well, that and they need to learn how to finish races better, according to crew chief Brian Pattie. And to do that, much of the responsibility does fall back on Montoya. Pattie candidly admitted that the communication between the driver and crew chief could be -- and needs to be -- better than it was in 2010 when they often ran up front for much of any given race, only to fall back at the end even when they weren't victims of poor luck.

"If we make an adjustment during a race, instead of trying to guess to get Juan what he likes, it would be easier if Juan knew exactly the adjustment to ask for," Pattie said. "It's just getting smarter inside the car, but he's come a long ways on that already."

Pattie said it has been understandable that Montoya has taken time to adjust to the nuances of figuring out what he likes and what he doesn't -- and how to communicate that, especially during the course of a race. This will be just Montoya's fifth full season in stock cars after building his career -- and reputation as a fearless, aggressive, talented driver -- in open-wheel racing.

"It's not learning, it's being more proactive in practice and knowing what's going on. And saying, 'Hey, I like that change.' Then during a race he can say, 'Remember that change I liked during practice? Let's try that one.' If you notice the top guys, that's what they're doing. They lead you in the direction of adjustments that need to be made," Pattie said.

"And he's getting there. He comes from open wheel where they have engineers looking at computers. We don't have computers to look at, other than timing and scoring. So he's learned a lot in the last five years. ... We need him to be the computer."

Improvement on the No. 42 team is not all on Montoya, of course, Pattie is quick to add.

"It's everything," Pattie said. "On my side, it's making sure the pit calls are right; inside the car, it's making sure Juan's not losing his mind and is focused on what he needs to be focused on; and with the pit crew, they need to step up and make sure the money stop is a 14-second stop and not a 17-second stop. It's all of those.

"It's a team sport. But the more times you put yourself in that position, where you're running up front, the better you'll be -- and that goes for myself to the pit crew all the way down even to Juan's case."

Montoya insisted that his relationship with Pattie, who has been his crew chief since the final 25 races of 2008, has continued to evolve over time and has never been better.

"I think we're in position right now where we understand each other really well," Montoya said. "We've gone through good times and bad times. It's easy to have a great relationship when everything is going well and smooth. It's when you have to go through bad times that your relationship is really going to be tested.

"At the end of the day, we're both here to win races and we're both here to perform well. Everything is in the right place to do that, and we'll see what happens."



2011.02.10. 23:45, Szikrus

j kpek

New pics


Ksz lett Montoyrl az j fotsorozat, a kpeket megtalljtok a galriban! Szerintem nagyon j lett!


Hi Fans!

I found new photos about Montoya! I think, it's cool!




2011.02.10. 23:41, Szikrus

Bud Shootout



Ugye nem felejtetttek el, hogy 12.-n Shootout??? Montoynak is rszt kell vennie rajta, mert 2007-ben megkapta a Rookie Award-ot (ezt mindig a legjobb jonc kapja) gy t is lthatjuk! Nhny info:

A SPEED s a FOX csatornk kzvettik majd az esemnyt!

A szabadedzsek pnteken lesznek megtartva!

  • Dlutn 5- 5:45 kztt
  • dlutn 6:30-7:30 kztt

Este 8-tl party lesz, ahol mindenki hz majd a start pozcijrt! A SPEED TV-n kvethetitek majd!

Maga a verseny SZOMBATON lesz, a FOX csatornn.

A nyertes kb 200.000 dollrt vihet haza!


2] Montoya felrakott egy kpet Twitterre a kszl autjrl:



Hi Fans!



I hope you don't forget that in this saturday will be the Budwiser Shootout! Some new infos about the program:

Practices will be held Friday (Feb 11)

  • from 5pm-5:45 pm
  • from 6:30-7:30

At 8 pm the Budwiser shootout draw party will be held, everyone random draws for their starting position. (It will be televised on SPEED)

  • The Shootout race itself will be on FOX on Saturday, Feb 12!!

The winner will take home around $200.000


2] Monty put a new pic about his car on twitter:

2011.02.09. 06:42, Szikrus


News and pics


Talltam egy hrt Montoyval!

Illetve csinltam egy j albumot is: twitpics


Hi Fans!

I made a new album in the gallery:

  • twitpics




I found a new article with JPM!


Juan Pablo Montoya knows the No. 42 NASCAR Sprint Cup team has to step it up this season


Away from the track, Juan Pablo Montoya doesn't get too worked up.

Asked what it will take to have a breakout year in 2011 or what it will take to make the Chase or what he thinks when he's wrecked by a teammate, he shrugs.

"It's racing," he says. "It's what happens."

He's not even all that upset about Indianapolis, the race he had in the bag the last two seasons only to see victory snatched away thanks to mistakes late in both races.

"It's probably going to happen again," he said matter-of-factly on Monday as the NASCAR Sprint Media Tour got under way. "It just happens."

But there is a track that gets under Montoya's skin, a place that disappoints him more than any other - Infineon Raceway at Sonoma, Calif.

It's a strange pick since Sonoma is the site of Montoya's first Sprint Cup win in 2007. In fact, his average finish there of 5.8 over four races is by far his best average finish at any track.

But Montoya chalks the 2007 win up to "fuel mileage." And his other three finishes - all top 10s - aren't good enough for a driver who believes he should excel even more on NASCAR's two road courses but "just can't perform there for some reason."

Montoya's only other Cup win came in 2010 at the other road course at Watkins Glen. It came in a year that saw him overshadowed by his teammate at Earnhardt-Ganassi Racing, Jamie McMurray.

McMurray -- who rejoined EGR last year after a lackluster stint at Roush Fenway -- quickly established himself as the team's bright spot by winning not only the Daytona 500 but NASCAR's second most prestigious race as well - the Brickyard race at Indianapolis, the one that slipped through Montoya's grasp.

Winning at Daytona was huge, he said, but showing he could win somewhere other than a restrictor-plate track like Daytona or Talladega was even bigger, he said.

"The Daytona 500 is the race you want to win if you're in NASCAR," but winning at Indianapolis was special, he said.

"Indy was really gratifying, to be able to win at an intermediate track," said McMurray, who followed up that win with a victory at Charlotte in October but missed out of the Chase.

He's said he's not very concerned about how or if NASCAR changes the way Chase drivers are picked. Reports have indicated that NASCAR might pick the top 10 drivers in points and two more drivers with the most wins.

Such a format would have put McMurray in the Chase last year - prompting some to call the possible change "The McMurray Rule" - but McMurray isn't all that upset about missing the Chase last year.

After all, he said, he won the two biggest races of the year.

"There's a lot of guys who made the Chase last year who would have traded with me in a heartbeat." McMurray said.

Montoya might be one of them, after a season in which the breaks seemed to fall McMurray's way but didn't fall for Montoya.

Montoya started the season with two 37th-place finishes in the first three races, then went through a nine-race stretch in which he racked up six DNFs thanks to crashes and mechanical failures. At that point, the season went poof.

"The hole was so big to get out of," he said. "You just have to finish with a little luck and that's all we can do."

The No. 42 team also has to step it up on pit road and with its race strategy, he admitted. It was a late pit-stop decision to take four tires instead of two that cost him his first-ever NASCAR win on an oval course at Indianapolis.

That was a call made by his crew chief, Brian Pattie, who returns for another season with Montoya and a relationship that's been put to the test.

"We've been through good times and bad times," Montoya said. "It's easy to have a good relationship when things are going great and smooth. It's when you go through bad times that your relationship is really going to be tested.

Enduring the long, difficult season "was hard at the beginning but at the end of the day we're both here for the same thing. We're both here to win races," he said.



2011.02.07. 19:15, Szikrus

Visszavrjk Kubict a versenyzk

Ahogyan arrl beszmoltunk, Robert Kubica slyos balesetet szenvedett egy olaszorszgi raliversenyen. A 26 ves versenyzt slyos srlsekkel szlltottk krhzba, letveszly azonban nem ll fenn. A msik legfontosabb hr a lengyel pilta egszsgi llapotval kapcsolatban, hogy a korbbi hrekkel ellentetben nem kellett amputlni a srlt karjt.

Azt jelenleg nem lehet megmondani, hogy Kubica mikor lhet legkzelebb autba, a Formula-1 vilga azonban mielbbi gygyulst kvn neki, a versenyztrsak pedig visszavrjk.

Nick Heidfeld: Kedves Robert, a sokkol hrek utn gondolatban veled vagyok. plj fel minl hamarabb!"

Juan Pablo Montoya: "Imdkozunk Robert Kubicrt. Remljk minden rendben lesz."

Heikki Kovalainen: "Gondolatban Robert Kubicval vagyunk, aki egy nagyszer src. Remlem, hogy a mtt sikeres lesz s teljesen felpl."

Jenson Button: "Sokkol hrek rkeztek Robert Kubicrl. Gyors felplst kvnok neki."

Robert Doornbos: "Minden jt kvnok Robert Kubicnak a baleste utn. Hajr!"

Timo Glock: "Nagyon szortok! Sokat gondolok Robertre, akinek a legjobbakat kvnom. Remlem, hogy hamarosan jra tallkozunk a plyn – s mint bartok, termszetesen a plyn kvl is."

Rubens Barrichello: "Szeretnk arra krni mindenkit, hogy kldjk el jkvnsgaikat Robert Kubicnak. Most mtik. t mindenki szereti, csak a legjobbakat kvnom neki."

Fairuz Fauzy: "A legjobbakat kvnjuk Robert Kubicnak, akire sokat gondolunk. Gyors felplst kvnunk neki."

Karun Chandhok: "Most rtesltem csak Robert balesetrl. Remlem rendben van. Vrom a hreket."

Nelson Piquet: "Szortok Kubicnak, remlem rendbe fog jnni."

Sbastien Buemi: "Veled vagyok Robert."

Lucas di Grassi: "Minden jt kvnok a rgi bartomnak, Robertnek. plj fel mihamarabb."

Pastor Maldonado: "Remlem, hogy hamarosan felplsz, Robert. Mindannyian veled vagyunk. Minden jt kvnok neked."

BMW Motorsport (Mario Theissen): "Nagyon sokkolt Robert balesetnek a hre. Sokat gondolok r. Mielbbi teljes felplst kvnok neki."

Mercedes: "A teljes csapat nevben szeretnnk gyors felplst kvnni Robert Kubicnak. Gygyulj meg gyorsan, Robert."

Williams F1 Team: "A teljes csapatunk nevben minden jt kvnunk Robertnek, valamint gyors felplst."

Force India F1: "Imdkozzunk s remnykedjnk, hogy rendbe fog jnni."

Marussia Virgin Racing: "Minden jt kvnunk Robertnek."

Ferrari: "Minden jt kvnunk Kubicnak, aki slyos balesetet szenvedett."

Team Lotus: "Gondolatban Robert Kubicval vagyunk s a legjobbakat kvnjuk neki."

A Formula-1-es legenda, Stirling Moss is bzik abban, hogy Kubica teljesen fel fog plni s folytatni tudja a versenyzi karriert.

Michael Schumacher a menedzsern keresztl reaglt a hrekre. Sabine Kehm a Sddeutsche Zeitungnak elmondta, hogy a htszeres bajnok "megrmlt s megdbbent" a hr hallatn. A 42 ves sportol a ksbbiekben ad ki kzlemnyt.

A hrek szerint Fernando Alonso mr korbban megrkezett a krhzba, ahol Kubict poljk. A spanyol pilta gy rzi, hogy a nehz helyzetben a bartja mellett van a helye.


2011.02.07. 19:09, Szikrus

2007-es fotsorozat Juan Pabloval

Photoshoot with Juan Pablo in 2007


Feltltttem egy j fotsorozat kpeit a galriba! Ezton is szeretnm megksznni Rileey-nak hogy elkldte nekem! :)


Hi Fans!

I uploaded a new photoshoot to the gallery. Thanks Rileey to send me! :) 



2011.02.06. 15:49, Szikrus

j cikk

New article with JPM


Talltam mg a Rolex- 24 rs versennyel kapcsolatban is egy hrt. Gyorsan ssze is foglalom a lnyegt: Montoya egyltaln nem rlt a msodik helynek (rthet mdon) s el is mondta:
Versenyzk vagyunk. Gyzni akarunk. Azrt jttnk ide, hogy gyzznk. Ha msodikknt vgzel az egy nagyon sz***r rzs."
A dobogn sem volt nnepls hangulatban, ezt ltni lehetett aki nzte a kzvettst.


Hi Fans!

I found an article with Juan Pablo:


Montoya unhappy at Rolex 24

By dean.mcnulty

It was interesting to watch Juan Pablo Montoya at the Rolex 24 sports car classic as he helped drive the No. 02 Chip Ganassi Racing BMW Riley to a second place finish behind the CGR No. 01 car of Scott Pruett, Graham Rahal, Joey Hand and Memo Rojas.
While most on the No. 02 team that included IZOD INDYCAR driver Scott Dixon, Indianapolis 500 winner Dario Franchitti and Montoya's NASCAR Sprint Cup teammate Jamie McMurray  will cheering their podium finish, Montoya wasn't in a celebratory mood after playing bumper cars for most of his stint in the CGR car.
We are drivers. We want to win, Montoya said. We are just here to win. When you finish second, it sucks.
Just goes to show that behind the smiling face that Montoya put out there week after week in the Sprint Cup series, he is all business when he is the race track, even for a one-off like the Rolex 24.
It was a good weekend at Daytona International Speedway for a couple of Canadians, with Toronto's Scott Maxwell leading the way with a second place finish in the Grand-Am Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge Grand-Am 200 in the No. 15 Ford Mustang.
And Mark Wilkins of Toronto finished in the Top 10 with an eighth place in the Daytona Prototype class in the No. 18 BMW Riley in the Rolex 24.


2011.02.05. 12:53, Szikrus

j kp

New pic


Monty a twitterre rakott fel egy j kpet a modelljeivel. Szerintem nagyon kirly!


Hi Fans!

Montoya put a new picture about him and his toys in twitter. Look! :)

2011.02.05. 12:26, Szikrus

Montoya interj

New interview with Juan Pablo


Van egy j interj Juan Pabloval, a Local 10 nev msorban volt benne s a Daytona 500-as futamrl beszlt :) A kpre kattintva megnzhetitek az interjt!


Hi Fans!

There is a new interview with Juan Pablo. He talks about the Daytona-500 race! :)

Click the pic and you can watch! :)



2011.02.02. 23:31, Szikrus

j interj Juan Pabloval

New interview with Juan Pablo


Talltam egy interjt sok-sok kppel! Hamarosan hozom a fordtst is, egyenlre itt a cikk angolul!


Hi Fans!

I found a new interview with Juan Pablo! :)


Drivin’ and Jibin’, Montoya Style

An interview by Robert Masters


Juan Pablo Montoya Roldn was born on September 20, 1975. He's a Colombian race car driver known worldwide for his participation in CART, Formula One and NASCAR races. Juan Pablo currently drives the #42 Target Chevrolet Impala for Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. He and wife Connie have three children: son Sebastian and daughters Paulina and Manuela.

The highlights of Montoya's career includes winning the International F3000 championship in 1998, the CART Championship Series in 1999, as well as victories in some of the most prestigious races in the world, such as the Monaco Grand Prix. He is the only driver to have won the North American open-wheel CART title, the prestigious Indianapolis 500 and the legendary 24 Hours of Daytona, all at the first attempt. Montoya is one of only two drivers to have won the CART title in his rookie year.






A talented crossover race winner, Juan Pablo is also the only person to have raced in all three auto-racing events at Indianapolis; the Indianapolis 500, the Brickyard 400 and the US Grand Prix.

He is the only foreign-born driver to win multiple NASCAR Sprint Cup Series races - and the first Latino, first Formula 1 driver, and first Indianapolis 500 winner to make the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup.

At present, in addition to golfing, one of Juan Pablo's passions is the sport of windsurfing - an activity he started when he was a kid on vacation in Colombia (on San Andres Island). After stopping for a while, he started sailing occasionally in 2002 - and then since 2009, has been doing it as often as he can.


He tweets about it frequently on his Twitter page and spends much of his free time windsurfing in Miami's Biscayne Bay, just a short walk from his home. His wife Connie is also into the sport, but it's clearly Juan Pablo who is the one who's hooked! For him, any windy day is a good day to go!!!



RM: What drew you back to the sport of windsurfing after being away from it for so long? What were you missing out on?

JPM: I didn’t have the time to invest in it before and now that I have some down time I’m able to get out there again. I like to be able to fully dedicate myself to it so I can improve a little every time.


RM: What type of windsurfing are you into these days?

JPM: Slalom and Formula


RM: What equipment are you using? How are you liking the gear?

JPM: Boards - JP Australia and Starboard. Sails - Neil Pryde. Love it. I actually had dinner with Neil Pryde last year which was really cool.



RM: Do you consider yourself a "social" sailor - hanging out with friends and sailing together... or do you like to solo sail and just get away from it all?

JPM: Both


RM: Where are your favorite locations to sail?

JPM: Aruba is one of my favorite places to windsurf and the family and I make a trip there at least once a year. Great conditions and beautiful place.

Calima Lake, Colombia. Close to my hometown when I return to Colombia.

Miami. I can wake up any day, when I’m home, and if the wind is just right, grab my equipment and start windsurfing within an hour.

RM: Are there any special places you'd like to sail, but have not yet visited?

JPM: Everybody talks about the Gorge but I think it’s too cold so I would probably never go.

RM: What is the next maneuver you'd like to be able to master?

JPM: I’d like to master my jumps a little better and duck jibes for sure.

RM: What does windsurfing give you?

JPM: It’s a little bit of everything for me – the adrenaline rush, the freedom, speed and to be able to disconnect from everything else. Keep sheeting in, pressure on the board and hang on!

RM: Windsurfing personalities... who rates - and why?

JPM: Antoine Albeau and Micah Buzanis are really nice guys and they are amazing at what they do.

RM: Anticipation. When do you feel more of it... when driving too deep into a corner at Indy, or when sailing overpowered on a screaming broad reach and spinning out?

JPM: I feel more of it windsurfing because I have more control in the car than I do when I am windsurfing.


RM: What are the similarities between sailing fast and driving fast? Can a windsurf racer learn anything from a race car driver... and vice versa?

JPM: No comparison. I control the race car when I drive it. With windsurfing, you have no control. You just go with it.


RM: Motor racing... passing and being passed. Is it any different when you're sailing with your friends on Biscayne Bay? Or are you just out there relaxing having fun? Does a racer's instincts ever rest?

JPM: I believe they do rest to a certain level. I go out there to disconnect from that competitive level for a while. Don’t get me wrong, if someone challenged me my competitive drive would kick in but windsurfing is more about me.

RM: What personality traits lend themselves to both disciplines - windsurfing and driving a race car?

JPM: I think to do both of them you have to be a little crazy and definitely committed to it. Neither one of them is something you can be good at right away. It takes time to get to a certain comfort level with both.



RM: What do your peers make of your passion for windsurfing? Received any Southern style ribbings lately? Or have you inspired some of the other drivers to grab a boom and give it a try?

JPM: Everyone I introduce to windsurfing loves it. Even my wife, Connie, has gotten to where she’ll windsurf when she can. Since I live in Miami and not in North Carolina (with the majority of the other NASCAR drivers), it’s difficult to share my passion for windsurfing with them.


RM: Away from windsurfing for a moment... How are you enjoying your current career path? What do you get from the NASCAR family that was lacking in the world of F1?

JPM: I really enjoy where I am at in NASCAR. It’s where I belong and will hopefully spend the rest of my career in this sport. F1 was too predictable. The fastest car always won. In NASCAR, there are at least five cars competing for a win during the closing laps. It’s racing at its best.



RM: Drinking milk at Indy in May had to be pretty cool. What things immediately come to mind that have brought, or bring you satisfaction?

JPM: My family brings me satisfaction. I’m a dad and husband first; then race car driver.

RM: Tell me about the Formula Smiles Foundation?

JPM: Formula Smiles is an organization Connie and I put together to try and help the children in Colombia. We set-up centers that encourage kids to play sports. It gets the children off the streets and involved in something that can lead to a better life.

We do events every year to help raise funds and awareness to the foundation. Ranging from golf tournaments in Colombia, to handing out toys and supplies to children in Miami, to our annual Gala down in Miami.

The goal is to raise as much money and awareness as possible.

RM: What's the potential of using windsurfing to bring some smiles to some of these children? Do you have any plans for teaching some of them how to sail?

JPM: Unfortunately it is too difficult to introduce windsurfing to the children in Colombia. It’s impossible to get the needed equipment into the country.



RM: In closing, what should "windsurfing" do to get more people out on the water enjoying this amazing sport?

JPM: Better marketing for the sport would be my number one recommendation. Especially at the beginner level.


Juan Pablo - thank you so much for taking time out of what must be a super busy schedule to share your thoughts with us. Good luck to you in this year's Sprint Cup Series. Also, thanks to Shayna Keller, Brittany Glover and Alex Morales for your help.



Images courtesy:


Formula Smiles Foundation


Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates

Neil Pryde

Creative Commons: TM Wolf, Rick Dikeman, Asier Arco, Jeff Wunrow


Formula Smiles - http://formulasonrisas.com/en/

Juan Pablo Montoya - http://www.jpmontoya.com

Montoya on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/jpmontoya

Facebook  - http://www.facebook.com/jpmontoya

Earnhardt Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates -




2011.02.02. 20:27, Szikrus
Vote for JPM

Szavazzatok Juan Pablora, hogy megnyerje a Legnpszerbb Versenyz djt!

Naponta egyszer szavazhattok!

Vote for JPM to win the Most Popular Driver Award!

Every day one vote!












The Dark of the Moon



No 42 car



Induls: 2009-01-10



Ha érdekelnek az animék,mangák,videojátékok, japán és holland nyelv és kultúra, akkor látogass el a személyes oldalamra.    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!    *****    Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kikötõ felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU