BeLive Rendezvny Bogotban The Montoyas Attend a BeLive Event in Bogota
Sziasztok! Hi Fans!
Talltam egy cikket Montoyval az EGRFS hivatalos oldaln.
Juan Pablo s Connie Bogotba utaztak, hogy gyjtst szervezzenek az alaptvnyuk szmra. Tudjtok, hogy van 1 kzs alaptvnyuk, a Formula Smiles, ami a szegny sors kolumbiai gyerekeket tmogatja, klnfle projektek, oktatsi s egszsggyi programok keretben. A Hublot (a legnagyobb exklzv kara gyrt cg) felajnlott 50 egyedi kszts karrt $19.000 rtkben. A kollekci cme Hublot BeLive.
Hoztam Nektek 1 kpet is az rkrl:
(JPM hivatalos oldalrl)
(cikk forrsa: EGRFS)
Juan Pablo Montoya and his wife, Connie, attended a BeLive benefit in Bogot last night to raise funds for the most vulnerable communities in their native Colombia. Each year, BeLive unites five Colombian foundations, including the Montoyas’ foundation Formula Smiles, to raise funds through an institutionalized event held at an international level that seeks to benefit projects in education, health, nutrition, economic development and assistance for displaced, demobilized and disabled people in Colombia. With support from Hublot, one of the world’s most exclusive watch brands, this year’s benefit was held in Colombia for the first time. Hublot, an expert in the Art of Fusion, supported the philanthropic mission of BeLive by creating a unique piece called “Hublot BeLive,” a collection of 50 watches with a value of $19,900.
Hublot watch:
(from JPM official site)
(source: EGRFS)